Experimental Sound Experiences Designed for Achieving Deep Relaxation, Meditative States, and Restful Sleep
Sound for Relaxation, Meditation, and Sleep is a collection of sound experiences that can be utilized to achieve a calmer mind that is more conducive to achieving deep relaxation, quiet states of meditation, or restful sleep. Different sound experiences use different audio techniques in an effort to achieve these states. Synthesized nature sounds are used to achieve clean ambiance that link the mind to natural energies on the Earth. Binaural beating is used to achieve alpha, theta, and delta brain wave states for varying states of calmness and internal solace. Synthesized tones are occasionally used to stimulate an autonomic meridian response, which has been found useful for some people. Every person is different and these techniques may or may not work for different people. Your feedback is welcome in the hopes to customize different experiences for different people.The visuals are intended to provide ambient light to a dark listening room. They are not intended to be stared at since that would not be conducive to the states intended. They are only intended to be pleasing to the eye from a distance since these are primarily sound experiences.
017 – Waves, Rain, Ethereal Music, Binaural Beats, and Synth ASMR Prickles with Black Screen 1 Hour
This sound experiment for Relaxation, Meditation, and Sleep is 1 hour in duration and has a black screen for the listener’s comfort. It is highly recommended that one uses headphones to listen to benefit from the effect of the binaural beats. The experience begins with the ocean waves gradually fading in. Then, a didgeridoo-like sound enters to create a pleasant, and mysterious sound. Over time, the sound of rain enters and ethereal tones are played to entrance the mind. The ethereal music helps to give the internal verbal dialogue of the mind a bit of a sedative, like a lullaby. The binaural beats soon enter to encourage a borderline theta and delta brain wave state. The important frequencies of 432 Hz and 768 Hz are utilized. Soon the Synth ASMR prickles enter and the stage is set for deep relaxation.
016 Ocean Waves, Light Rain, Binaural Beats, Synth ASMR, and Ambient Music with Black Screen 1 Hour
This is a 1 hour session is best experienced through headphones, and is for relaxation, meditation, and sleep. The session begins with the beautiful sound of ocean waves and light rain. An ambient and ethereal melody comes in with moments of uplifting harmony. The melody brings to life the binaural beats with a beating frequency of 4 Hz, which helps to induce a borderline delta and theta wave state of brain wave activity. The carrier frequencies of these binaural beating tones are 108 Hz, 432 Hz, and 768 Hz. There is also synth ASMR for the second section where the binaural beats and the soothing sound of the ocean waves and rain take the forefront.
015 Light Rain, A 432 Hz Binaural Beats Delta & Theta, and 786 Hz Tone with Black Screen 2 Hours
This sound experiment is a sonic experience for relaxation, meditation, and sleep. It utilizes a light rain sound to help one relax and has ambient music that can help the mind become quiet. The sound used is an ethereal sound that has qualities of Tibetan singing bowls as well as didgeridoo. Tones are used to create binaural beats at frequencies with meaningful harmonic relationships. The tuning of the pitches is based on A 432 Hz. There is an added tone of 786 Hz that has also sown promise in prior experiments. The length is 2 hours with the second hour being based purely on binaural beating and the sound of rain. The black screen is for the comfort of the listener. It is highly recommended that this sound experience be heard using headphones.
014 Light Rain, A 432 Hz Binaural Beats Delta & Theta, and 786 Hz Tone with Black Screen 1 Hour
This session is best heard in headphones so that one can ebenfit from the binaural beating for a mixed delta and theta brain wave state. The session begins with light rain that helps one to relax. An ethereal melody, tuned to A 432 Hz is played and touches points the grow into frequencies that bear harmonic relationships to one another within the A 432 tuning system. These frequencies are offset to produce binaural beats of 4 Hz, which is the border between delta and theta brain wave frequencies. As the harmonics stack, they are reduced to a gentle, distant perspective in the rain so that one can benefit from their frequencies and beating while being sucked into the rain sound. Toward the second half, the 786 Hz binaural beating pair enters and nestles in with the other harmonics. The blending is reduced more until it become an ethereal glow in sound. The black screen provides comfort for relaxation, meditation, or sleep.
013 – Relaxing Rain, A 432 Hz Ambient Music, and Binaural Beats with Black Screen 90 Minutes
This sound experiment for relaxation, meditation, and sleep contains the ambient sound of relaxing rain, which is dynamic and has subtle changes throughout that capture the mind’s interest such that it helps to quiet the mind. There are a couple of portions of ambient music recorded in A 432 Hz tuning that helps to relieve stress, calm the mind, and provide beauty to uplift the spirit. The musical sounds have resonating harmonics that shimmer and enchant the ears. Binaural beats are utilized for the latter two thirds of the piece in order to provide a delta brain wave state. The beating sounds resonate with harmonics so that the ears are not confronted with harsh tones, but rather changing soft tones that sound truly magical.
012 – Ocean Waves, Resonant Tuning, Synth ASMR, and Binaural Beating with Black Screen 90 Mins
This sound experiment for relaxation, meditation, and sleep derives elements from Robert A. Monroe’s Gateway Experience recordings. The synthesized ocean waves are more realistic and help to regulate breathing and promote relaxation and a quiet mind. The harmonics that enter allow one to practice resonant tuning by chanting along with them. They are an expanded version of resonant tuning, utilizing 7 tones in harmonic relationship with one another. The binaural beating utilizes the same frequencies and beating rate as those used by Monroe. They are enhanced with the use of the harmonics that are related and exist within a sound fractal relationship with them. The rae of beating allows for a shift to the low theta and upper delta brain wave frequencies. Synth ASMR sounds of bubbling and dripping water are also included to help stimulate a meridian response.
011 Synth ASMR, 432 Harmonics, Ambient Melody, Ocean Waves, and Binaural Beats Black Screen 2 Hr
This session is most effective when using headphones. The binaural beats should be heard with headphones to encourage the delta brain wave state. This session begins with Synth ASMR and an ambient melody to help provide a lullaby for the mind to bring it into a relaxed state. As the melody progresses, the ocean waves enter to help regulate breathing and achieve a sense of peace. Over time, the ocean waves gradually reduce and the listener hears soft noise and harmonics based on A 432 Hz. These harmonics transform into binaural beats buffeted with soft noise. A little ambient melody returns to help reduce any remaining internal verbal dialogue. Gradually, the melody subsides and a steady state of binaural beats with soft noise is maintained for the last hour. This sound experience is designed for relaxation, meditation, or sleep.
010 – Harmonics, Ocean Waves, Ambient Melody, Synth ASMR, and Binaural beats Black Screen 1 Hr
This is a sound experience for relaxation, meditation, and sleep that has a black screen for listening comfort. It is most effective using headphones because of the binaural beats. The experience includes Tibetan singing bowl-like harmonics, synthesized ocean waves, an ambient melody, synth ASMR to stimulate a meridian response, and binaural beats to encourage a delta brain wave state. The experience begins with the synthesized singing bowl harmonics and a similar sound performing an ambient melody that is quite uplifting and designed to take the thinking mind for a a walk to calm it down. The ocean waves gradually enter and the melody soothes the mind. As the melody ends, the ocean waves gradually fade tot he distance and allow a soft noise to take the foreground. The sound is like being in a cave near the ocean with the synth ASMR providing crystal-like prickles. The binaural beats enter and the meditation or sleep can begin proper for the remaining half hour of the session. All of the tones, harmonics, and melody are based upon A 432 tuning.
008 – Ocean Waves, Singing Bowl Harmonics, Ambient Melody, Synth ASMR, and Binaural Beats Black Screen 2 Hours
This is another sound experience for relaxation, meditation, and sleep. It begins with 3 minutes of ocean waves and then then the singing bowl-like harmonics gradually enter. As they sustain, an ambient melody takes the mind on a journey to help it relax by giving it some beauty to experience that recalls ancient times. After a good while, the ocean waves decrease a bit and a chorus of tones enters so that one can sing in resonance. The ancient melody from earlier on returns to provide the mind with more beauty and rises to a climax of subtlety. Gradually, a slow descent begins into a a seaside cave. The cave has crystals in it that resonate, providing synth ASMR prickles that are quite soothing. A haze rises up slowly such that the binaural beats can help bring about a delta brain wave state without standing out too much. The various elements ebb and flow with the distant sound of the ocean waves outside of the cave. In this peaceful state, the last hour is a sustained embrace of sound to now that the mind has been quieted.
009 – Singing Bowl Harmonics, Ambient Melody, Ocean Waves, Synth ASMR, and Binaural Beats with Black Screen 2 Hours
This is a sound experience that includes synthesized Tibetan singing bowl harmonics, an ambient melody derived from the same sound, synthesized ocean waves with varying irregularities to sound more natural, synth ASMR prickles to produce a meridian response, and binaural beats based on A at 432 Hz with beating within the delta brain wave frequency range. Much of the music uses soft noise as a glue to make sure that the elements do not come through as too profound so as to encourage relaxation. The black screen is provided for comfort as blue light is detrimental to the experience. This experience is most effective using headphones. The first hour is for slowing down the mind and the second hour is for maintaining the state.
007 Ocean Waves, Binaural Beats, Synth ASMR, and Uplifting Harmonics with Black Screen 2 Hours
This sound experience is best heard on headphones for benefiting from the binaural beating. The experience begins with ocean waves to embrace the active ming and slow it down. They also help to regulate breathing. Soon after, some pleasing harmonics based on A 432 enter and the listener is invited to chant or sing with them. After they subside, the ocean waves reduce to allow for the sound of the synth ASMR and clear binaural beating to achieve a delta brain wave state. In order to help entrance the mind more, uplifting harmonics with a lullaby-like melody help carry one through the res tof the first hour of the experience. As time progresses, the experience approaches and maintains a steady state of binaural beats, Tibetn singing bowl-like harmonics, synth ASMR and pleasing warm noise. It is at this point that one should hopefully be in a perfect state of relaxation that can serve well for meditation and sleep.
006 – Ocean Waves, Binaural Beats, Synth ASMR, and Uplifting Harmonics with Visuals 1 Hour
For best results, this sound experience should be listened to using headphones to take advantage of the binaural beating that helps to induce a delta brain wave state. The visuals are largely for producing ambient light in the room or distant imagery. It is not recommended that one stares at the screen since that can hinder one’s ability to relax and sleep. The ocean waves at the beginning are to induce a natural state of relaxation of the mind and body. Tones at resonant frequencies soon enter to help further this along. One can chant in unison with them if desired. As the waves and tones fade, a misty noise helps to relax the mind and eyes as synthesized ASMR prickles also help to stimulate a meridian response. Binaural beats enter to help bring one further into a delta brain wave state. As they fade, uplifting harmonics reminiscent of Tibetan singing bowls enter to sooth the mind. A long ambient melody is then used to help keep one’ in a positive and light state of mind. There is a gradual return tot he ocean waves for the ending. If desiring to sleep, one is hopefully asleep at that point. In meditation, it serves as a return to normal consciousness, but with a relaxed state of mind and body. The listener is encourages to check out other experiences in the Sound for Relaxation, Meditation, and Sleep series.
Visualization Credits
The visualizations were generated using the Project M module called LowF Fat Milk from the RPJ
The specific visualizations are “Antidote Side Effects Mix” by Aderrasi and “Frosty Caves” by martin