Wayfarer’s First Play-Through in Satisfactory
Wayfarer begins this season on the beginner planet in single player mode. Over the course of the season, he realizes how helpful it is to play the game using the dedicated server. The dedicated server can be run formt he same computer you are playing the game on, from another computer on your LAN, or from a hosted server. Wayfarer sets up the dedicated server on another computer on his LAN and then things really take off. Over the course of the season, Wayfarer learns rather quickly about the game and how to get things working. He doesn’t established the perfect base design that he would like to have, but rather, uses the mission as an exploratory mission to see how things work. He plans to use the second season as a chance to go further with designing things to look nice.
Episode 01 – Satisfactory Game Tutorial Part 1
Wayfarer launches his series on the building and construction game Satisfactory by going through the game’s tutorial. The built-in tutorial is very good, but there are some tips that Wayfarer provides so that one can be a little more efficient in the game. Satisfactory is a very cool game, but it takes a little getting used to. In this episode Wayfarer goes through the first 4 HUB (or base) updates. this process includes making iron ingots, iron plates, iron rods, copper ingots, wires, cables, screws, reinforced plates, and concrete. These components go into making the HUB, equipment workshop, crafting bench, smelter, constructor, power pole, power lines, and constructor. Along the way, Wayfarer even makes his way up a plateau to find an alien artifact!
Episode 02 – Satisfactory Game Tutorial Part 2
This episode picks up where the first episode leaves off. Wayfarer implements upgrade 5 to the HUB in order to unlock the Miner M1 and the Storage container. The conveyor belts and conveyor belt poles were made available in the previous upgrade. He then deices to re-organize his layout by putting the Miner M1 units on the iron ore, copper ore, and limestone deposits. He hooks smelters up to the miners on the two ore deposits and routes them to storage containers using the conveyor belts. He routes the miner over the limestone deposit to a constructor to deposit concrete into a storage container. This simple automation makes the production of iron ingots, coper ingots, and concrete much more efficient. Along the way, a couple of hogs cause trouble, but Wayfarer is able to quickly dispatch them.
Episode 03 – Starting the Base Building Process
Wayfarer completes HUB upgrade number 6 in this tutorial, which unlocks the beginning of base building. Now the fun truly begins as Wayfarer works on building an above ground base that has the majority of his buildings up in the sky while the miners deliver their ore via conveyor belt to the smelters and constructors above. It is a little tricky, but one can get the hang of it with practice. Wayfarer needs to do some troubleshooting in this episode and demonstrates some of the pitfalls. These demonstrations are not necessarily on purpose. In case, he does get his HUB, some smelters, and constructors off the ground and starts the base build.
Episode 04 – Basic Base Building Tips
Wayfarer is starting to get the hang of the base building concept in Satisfactory. In this episode, he shows how he has moved everything that he has constructed thus far up onto a raised base. The organization is starting to come together as he distributes power to all of the miners, smelters, and constructors. At this point he is manufacturing the basics, which are wire, iron rods, iron plates, and concrete. All of this production is now automated, so it will make building quick and easy.
Episode 05 – Organization and Productivity
Wayfarer has been expanding and re-organizing his base to allow for larger, assembly line construction in his factory. In this episode, he gives a tour of how he made an iron crafting line to make iron plates, iron rods, and nails. He set aside space for putting in the assembler to also make reinforced plates. He demonstrates by re-doing his copper area so that both wires and cables are automatically manufactured. The use of the conveyor lift and the conveyor belt splitter were critical in making his factory more organized for increased productivity.
Episode 06 – The MAM & Making an Assembly Line
We are in Tier 2 in Satisfactory, and are going through the milestones. Now that the Molecular Analysis Machine (MAM) is now available, it can be used in conjunction with the object scanner to locate objects throughout the world. Wayfarer demonstrates how to to this. Now that there are more components and materials to make, Wayfarer shows the latest version of his assembly line so that he can distribute power efficiently and manufacture what items are needed at certain points in time. His iron mining now has an assembly line that can produce iron plates, iron rods, screws, rotors, reinforced iron plates, modular frames, and smart plating. Now that solid biofuel is unlocked and the chainsaw is available, Wayfarer has automated the production of biofuel.
Episode 07 – Getting Power Slugs
Power slugs are very useful alien organisms to find in Satisfactory. They can be used to overclock your machines to make them perform better. One first needs to find a power slug on one’s own. Then, the MAM can be used to calibrate the object scanner to find power slugs. Wayfarer found his first blue power slug off screen and shows the likely places and easy ways to find them. Then he demonstrates using the object scanner to find a power slug and finds three more in this video. Wayfarer also has to do battle with a plasma spitter and a hatcher to complete his quest. Back at the base, Wayfarer shows how he automated the production of biofuel.
Episode 08 – Getting Power Slugs
Power slugs are very useful alien organisms to find in Satisfactory. They can be used to overclock your machines to make them perform better. One first needs to find a power slug on one’s own. Then, the MAM can be used to calibrate the object scanner to find power slugs. Wayfarer found his first blue power slug off screen and shows the likely places and easy ways to find them. Then he demonstrates using the object scanner to find a power slug and finds three more in this video. Wayfarer also has to do battle with a plasma spitter and a hatcher to complete his quest. Back at the base, Wayfarer shows how he automated the production of biofuel.
Episode 09 – Starting Tier 3 by Finding Coal and Water
When beginning tier 3 in Satisfactory, one is first confronted with a bit of a design challenge that has fabulous potential for making production fully automated and run more smoothly. The next step is to move on from biofuel to coal power. Since coal generators produce electricity by converting water into steam, one needs to access a coal deposit and a body of water that is deep enough to provide water. In this episode, Wayfarer talks about finding coal, but does not actually do it because he came across it before being able to detect it. He does point out how to do it though. After this, Wayfarer builds out his base platform to the nearest water source and plants a water extractor. This is the first step to being able to fully automate the factory and not have to continually search for items to make biofuel.
Episode 10 – Using Coal & Water to Power Your Factory Part 1
Satisfactory reaches a whole new level when one can use coal and water to power one’s factory. Once coal is being mined and feeding your coal burners and water is being extracted, pumped, and feeding your coal burners, then your coal burners become a fully automated power generators. This allows one to step away fromt he game and just leave things to be produced AFK. In this first part, Wayfarer show his setup and how he got the coal burners to work. He also shows some of the things he plans on doing to make things more efficient and organized.
Episode 11 – Using Coal & Water to Power Your Factory Part 2
In this episode we see Wayfarer’s solution to the coal burner problem. In the previous episode, the coal burners were intermittent as the burners were going off and on periodically. The hypothesis was that it was a water problem since the water pressure in the pipes were low. Wayfarer solved this problem of low water pressure by adding an additional water extractor and water pump. Having two water extractors and two water pumps seems tors solved the problem. One will have to see as more coal burners are added what will need to be done to keep the water pressure up, but for now, everything is operating efficiently. We also take a look at the use of a fluid buffer in this episode to see if it can be employed to help when changing pipe configurations.
Episode 12 – Finishing Tier 3 the Tractor and Steel Production
In this episode, Wayfarer finishes Tier 3 and starts Tier 4. We are now in the age of steel and steel production has begun. Wayfarer shows the tractor and the tractor station, which he may use later in the game. He also shows how he began his steel production in making steel pipes and steel beams to then be assembled into the versatile frame network. HE then looks at the steel items that will be coming up and starts to plan the layout of how he will get the conveyor belts to get the items to where they need to go. Wayfarer also show how one can easily change the conveyor belt and conveyor left M! into their M2 counterparts.
Episode 13 – Assembly of the Tier 4 Steel Components
One of the most important set of items in Tier 4 of Satisfactory is the collection of steel components and parts. In this episode, Wayfarer goes through all of the components that have been newly added to his assembly line. The steel production process begins with a foundry and constructors to make steel pipes and steel beams. These were shown in a previous episode. In this episode, Wayfarer continues this production process of steel components by integrating the concrete manufacturing, copper item manufacturing, and iron item manufacturing of his 3 other production lines. The networks of conveyor belts, conveyor lifts, and power lines starts to get very web-like, but there are ways to keep it organized. These items include enhanced steel beams, stators, versatile networks, automated mining, and motors.
Episode 14 – Switching to a Dedicated Server & Hyper Tubes
The best way to play Satisfactory is on a dedicated server. Even if you are playing single player, having a dedicated server on the same computer or another computer on your LAN allows you to have your factory running while you are offline. The dedicated server can run the world and your factory while you have the main game application closed so that you can leave a computer running on lower power consumption and low CPU and video card demand. In this episode, Wayfarer also plays around with the hyper tubes to see how they work.
Episode 15 – Finishing Tier 4 & Blueprint Designer
Wayfarer concludes the milestones in Tier 4 and then sends another package through the space elevator to unlock Tier 5. He also looks at the blueprint designer and other items there were unlocked in the milestones. He talks about his strategies in implementing some of these things, such as waiting on the conveyor belt and conveyor lift mk3 and how he would go about putting in the industrial storage containers more easily.
Episode 16 – Making a Power Grid
Thus far in Satisfactory, Wayfarer has been powering his production in sections. Ever since the biomass burner days, Wayfarer has been assigning power production to each section of his various production lines and has been adding things according to capacity. This has become a bit of a mess with the coal generators and their convey belt needs for coal and pipeline needs for water. In this episode, Wayfarer decides to line up his coal generators in one section, making pipelines organized and keeping them from interfering with the rest of the bass. The generators combine their power together as a central power grid to produce the power for the whole base. He does this step-by-step and shoes how to jump start the system
Organizing Assembly Lines & Preparing to Find Oil
Since the last episode, Wayfarer has organized his steel assembly lines. He shows how he has use stackable conveyor poles effectively in organizing the conveyor belts. He has some debugging to do because some of the conveyors stopped when incorrect items somehow got into containers. Wayfarer shows how to troubleshoot the conveyor system and fix issues. He also talks about his plans on how to find oil. It’s no so much finding oil, but getting to the oil. The oil integration into the system will be the beginning of the next season of videos in the overall series. The journey will involve using the blueprint designer to make 4×4 groups of foundations as platforms.