Sonic Visions for Meditation
The Sonic Vision Meditations series combines analog synthesizer music with processed footage from beautiful scenes. The ambiance of both sight and sound is enchanting.
Sonic Vision Meditations No. 1 – Crawling Sky Meditation in Sanibel
- Music and video produced by Lawrence W. Moore
On the shores of Sanibel Island, one enters into the environment and re-establishes the link between one’s self and the world around. In such places of natural beauty, there is a power that can be tapped that, when drawn into the self, allow the self to project outward into what, metaphysically, is a part of the self. The world beyond is a mysterious one. When not using the eyes, the visions are different than what the eyes see. When not using the ears, one hears the inner music of the self and the world beyond. It was an enchanting day spent in the ocean beneath the crawling sky in Sanibel, FL. The sun and the salt air contribute to the body’s natural healing processes. The immensity of the sky contributes to one’s feeling of humility on this planet. This is a piece that is part creative imagination and part meditation. It strives to capture the experience of being one with the surroundings in a natural place of beauty. The music was recorded using various synthesizer modules, that produce a very organic analog electronic sound. This sound combines the organic, in the analog curves of the sound and the metaphysical derived from the fact that it is nonetheless, electronic. When needing inspiration, look up and see your self be beneath the unending skies.
Tools Utilized
- Moog Werkstatt
- Moog Mother 32
- Moog MoogerFooger MF-108M Cluster Flux
- Moog MoogerFooger MF-103 12-Stage Phaser
- Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy Deluxe
- Morley Twin Mix
- Zoom MS-70 CDR
- Koma Kommander
Sonic Vision Meditation No 2 Meditation Beneath the Water’s Surface in Sanibel
- Music and video produced by Lawrence W. Moore
This piece is both a meditation and an art composition. Just beneath the water’s surface is where one can look through the transparent water to the sky. Just as our ego’s lie just beneath the surface of our being, we see out at the wonders around us that are just there visually, but so far away from our ability to truly behold. Behind us is the mystery in the deep. We prefer to look outward. When we do, we are still seeing ourselves. The music was composed using the analog modular synthesis equipment listed below. This audio was then set to binaural beating to help produce an alpha wave state and a theta wave state. The visual material is to help keep the eyes focused on doing something relaxing to encourage less internal verbal dialogue.
Tools Utilized
- Moog Werkstatt
- Moog Mother 32
- Moog MoogerFooger MF-108M Cluster Flux
- Moog MoogerFooger MF-103 12-Stage Phaser
- Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy Deluxe
- Morley Twin Mix
- Zoom MS-70 CDR
- Koma Kommander