Wayfarer’s Collaborations
Dr. Lawrence W. Moore of Wayfarer engages in collaborations with other artists where he either creates music for their videos or makes videos for their music. When artists share a vision and expend the effort to put their talents forward into a combined effort, the result can truly be magical. Lawrence W. Moore works in both the media of music and the media of visual art. In so doing, he enjoys collaborations with artists of like visions in which he can contribute visual material or sound to a multi-sense artistic presentation.
- Music composed by Lawrence W. Moore
- video produced by Liza Seigido
This piece was a collaboration between Lawrence W. Moore (music) and Liza Seigido (video). Moore composed the music in an effort to work with the small, almost instantaneous element of a snapping sound, generated by using an empty sync table. Moore generated the instrument in Csound and applied many parameters to it, which allowed him to create an adventure from using such a simple sound. Seigido created the video from a short, 7 second clip of video footage of US1 on the way back from the Florida Keys.
Tools Utilized
- Music composed entirely in Csound
- Presented in an installation at Vanguard Miami 2012
- Presented in an installation at Arts & Letters Day 2012, Miami-Dade College Kendall Campus
- Presented at the 2011 SEAMUS National Conference, January 2011
- Music composed and recorded by Momilani Ramstrum
- Video created by Lawrence W. Moore
Water is a voice processing piece composed and performed by Momilani Ramstrum, who asked Lawrence W. Moore to produce the video for the piece. Moore strove to express water at an elemental level as well as at an abstract level in complementing the sound of the piece. The gestures employed by the voice are highlighted, expressed, and brought into vivid, colorful life by the use of fractal imagery.
Tools Utilized
- Vocal performance recording using a Pd patch and a MIDI glove made by Momilani Ramstrum
- Fractals generated and animated using Ultra Fractal
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro