Dreams from Across the Spectrum
Wayfarer’s Spectral Dreams series is an art music video series that intends to reach both the intellect and the heart.
Spectral Dream No. 8 – A Time of Tribulation A Time for Temperance
- Music Composed and Performed by Lawrence W. Moore
- Fractal Animation by Lawrence W. Moore
- Filtering and final Video Production by Liza Seigido
This piece is inspired by the feeling of tribulation, where one is restrained and tormented with no apparent means of escape. This is a time in which one has no course of action in changing external conditions. Thus, one has only one recourse, self improvement and the tempering of one’s soul. For when the time comes that there is an avenue of escape, then one is strong enough and spiritually prepared to take the advantage of any crack that appears in the cage and break free from the prison that surrounds.
Tools Utilized
- Moog Werkstatt analog synthesizer
- Electro-Harmonix 8 Step Program analog step sequencer
- MoogerFooger MF-103 12 Stage Phaser
- Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy Deluxe analog delay
- Presented in the Compositum Musicae Novae Electro-Acoustic Concert in Coral Gables, FL in May 2016
- •Music and video composed and created by Lawrence W. Moore
This piece depicts archetypal imagery of flowers and plant life, symbolizing life and its ever-growing and ever-evolving nature. The bouquet that is depicted contorts itself and moves in a way to re-shape itself and cope with the existence in the void and the forces put upon it by the music, which strives to crush the life out of the bouquet. There are forces in our lives that try to crush us and drain us of our personal energy. These forces make us warp ourselves, contort ourselves, and mutate ourselves into different forms in our effort to escape.
Tools Utilized
- Fractal imagery generated and animated using Apophysis 7x and Apophymator
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro
- Audio stretching and pitch shifting performed using Spear
- Music arranged and engineered in Cakewalk Sonar
- Selected for and presented in an installation at Vanguard Miami 2012
- Selected for and presented in an installation at Arts & Letters Day 2012, Miami-Dade College
- Presented at the Electro-Acoustic Barn Dance, November 2012
- •Music and video composed and created by Lawrence W. Moore
This piece is based upon the phenomenon of EVPs (electronic voice phenomena), in which one can receive communication from non-physical entities through white noise in television or white noise that is the static in radio. This piece was composed by continually flipping through the bands of shortwave and AM radio. As a result, various fragments come alive within the ocean of static noise. The video was then created afterward, trying to give a visual impression of the possible EVPs coming through the radio.
Tools Utilized
- visual white noise effect and ghostly imagery animated using Processing
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro
- Noise textures generated in Csound
- Music arranged and engineered in Cakewalk Sonar
- Selected for and presented in an installation at Arts & Letters Day 2012, Miami-Dade College
- Selected for and presented in he Compositum Musicae Novae Red and white Concert, June 2015, Coral Gables Museum
- •Music and video composed and created by Lawrence W. Moore
This piece is a concert of granular synthesis, in which the fine granules of water pour forth like a fountain, and with them, come visions from the fountain. These visions are abstract archetypes that are hidden deep within the psyche.
Tools Utilized
- Fractals generated and animated using Ultra Fractal
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro
- Music entirely composed and engineered in Csound
- Presented at Divergent Boundaries, Festival Miami, October 2011
- Presented in an installation at Arts & Letters Day 2012, Miami-Dade College Kendall Campus
- Presented at the FETA 2012 Street Walk Festival at the Harold Golan Gallery in Wynnewood, Florida
Spectral Dream No. 4 – Angel Wing
- Music and video composed and created by Lawrence W. Moore
Unseen beings interact with our world. Some of them create and some destroy. They bring messages from the beyond. Fairies, angels, and generally inorganic life lies behind the scene in our reality. The video uses Processing to generate fields of random distribution of small, graphic elements. Vegas was used to filter this growing imagery and zoom in on different parts of the creation. The music was composed of short samples of metallic ringing sounds produced by tapping on metal speaker stands. These sounds were warped and transformed in Spear, the spectral analysis software. They were then mixed and processed in Cakewalk.
Tools Utilized
- Graphic element distribution animated using Processing
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro
- Audio stretching and pitch shifting performed using Spear
- Music arranged and engineered in Cakewalk Sonar
- Selected for an presented in an installation at Arts & Letters Day 2012, Miami-Dade College
- The Making of Angel Wing is a paper that was presented at the Biennial Symposium of Arts and Technology, March, 2012
- Selected for and presented at the 13th Biennial Symposium of Arts and Technology at Connecticut College, March, 2012
- Selected for and presented at the 2011 Electro-Acoustic Barn Dance at the University of Mary Washington, October, 2011
- Selected for and presented at the 2011 Studio 300 Festival at Transylvania University, September, 2011
Spectral Dream No. 3 – Establishment
- Music and video composed and created by Lawrence W. Moore
This piece from the Spectral Dream series is a sequence of the first eight hexagrams from the I Ching, and outline their meaning in both musical and visual form. These different hexagrams are used as the graphic elements that make up different portions of the overall visual piece at their appropriate moments in time for their stages in order. The colors interpret their meaning. The various textures of noise are also constructed from the hexagram shape as various frequency ranges are passed through filtering, creating an aural layer of their hexagram shape. The pan flute performance is an interpretation of the struggle for one to begin and reach a point of establishment, facing the different challenges of spirit that come along the way, as indicated by the sequence of the first eight hexagrams of the I Ching, which tell this story of establishment. The background music is filtered noise that has noise filtering positions that are in hexagram shapes from selected I Ching topics. Colors are selected from a card series based on the I Ching that maximize the use of color in the meaning of that hexagram. The I Ching was not used as a random nor synchronistic oracle in the piece, rather selected hexagrams and their means were used as a foundation for the sound and the visual display. If one looks closely, the elements making up the material in the video are all hexagrams.
Tools Utilized
- Graphic element distribution animated using Processing
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro
- Pan Flute sound created as a VAST plugin by Istvan Kaldur
- Noise textures generated in Csound
- Music arranged and engineered in Cakewalk Sonar
- Selected for and performed in the February, 2015 Compositum Musicae Novae Concert, Coral Gables, FL.
- Selected for and presented in an installation at Arts & Letters Day 2012, Miami-Dade College
- Selected for and performed in the Subtropics XXII Marathon Concert at Audiotheque, Miami Beach, March, 2013
Spectral Dream No. 2 – Beautiful Synchronicities Parts 1 & 2
- Music and video composed and created by Lawrence W. Moore
- Narration and vocals by Liza Seigido
Movement I – This is a metaphysical exploration of the phenomenon of synchronicity. There are seeming coincidences in our lives that come from a patterns int he universe that stem from our own conscious creation. These patterns are complex, just like anything that is physically organic. The non-physical organic aspect to the universe is where the mystery lies, but it is a living entity in and of itself. This combined entity of the universe, however, includes us, and as individuals, we affect the growth of the universe and the growth of our lives over time.
Movement II – This is a metaphysical exploration of the phenomenon of synchronicity. There are seeming coincidences in our lives that come from a patterns int he universe that stem from our own conscious creation. These patterns are complex, just like anything that is physically organic. The non-physical organic aspect to the universe is where the mystery lies, but it is a living entity in and of itself. This combined entity of the universe, however, includes us, and as individuals, we affect the growth of the universe and the growth of our lives over time.
Tools Utilized
- Graphic element distribution animated using Processing
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro
- Noise textures generated in Csound
- Music arranged and engineered in Cakewalk Sonar
- Selected for and presented in 12 Nights of Electronic Art and Music, February, 2011
- Selected for and performed at Forms and Fractures, Festival Miami, October2010
Spectral Dream No. 1 – Dreams Become Fibers
- French Horn performed by Corey Klein
- Music composed, engineered, and processed by Lawrence W. Moore
- Video by Lawrence W. Moore
This piece paints the picture of a meditation on a hillside, in which the one who is meditating gradually feels himself being enveloped by the land. In this process of becoming one with the setting, the meditation brings about visions and sounds that allow one to see the fibers that make up the reality that we see on a daily basis. This infinite network of fibers makes up the physical reality around us. If we put the energy from our dreams into the energy of these fibers, we can see our dreams manifest before us in time.
Tools Utilized
- Fractal imagery generated and animated using Apophysis 7x and Apophymator
- Filtering and final production performed using Sony Vegas Pro
- Audio stretching and pitch shifting performed using Cakewalk Spear
- Recorded horn processed and sequenced with live processed horn in Cakewalk Sonar
- Selected for and performed in the Vanguard Miami, 2012, Chapel of the Venerable St. Bede