Ear Worms

s 026 – Gabriel Marin Middle Eastern Fusion Rock Guitarist & String Instrument Master Artist

Gabriel Marin is best known for his double neck guitar work in the Sci-Fi, Prog, Middle Eastern, Fusion, Rock trio Consider the Source. He is a diverse musician who masters the fretless guitar and numerous other instruments from Asia and the Middle East. He continues his work with a second band, the Social Assassins which includes a second guitarist. Furthermore, he has a solo CD and travels to other countries to play with world class musicians such as Dutar extraordinaire Sirojiddin Juraev from Tajikistan. And to top it off he shares his knowledge and skills with his many students across the country.

025 – Andrew Powell, Alan Parsons, and Ladyhawke Part 1 of 2

The 1985 film Ladyhawke was a beautifully shot fantasy film with a little bit of comedy. The music was composed by Andrew Powell and produced by Alan Parsons. Powell and Parsons did work together on a number of projects, including The Alan Parsons Project. It is an interesting score with some great moments as well as some odd ones. Either way, it is a beautiful story and we are going to take an in-depth look at this story and the music. In this first episode, we will spend some time on Andrew Powell’s musical career as a composer, arranger, and a performer of many instruments. We will also look at some of Alan Parson’s relevant work in relation to Powell. The film was directed by Richard Donner and stars Matthew Roderick, Rutger Hauer, and Michelle Pfeiffer.

024 – Great Moments from Blade Runner & the Film’s Score by Vangelis Part 3 of 3

We will be looking at the finale to the classic dystopian science fiction film Blade runner. In this part 3 of 3, we will discuss the scenes and the music that comprise the final act of the film. Roy Batty pays a visit to Priss and Sebastian, they all pay a visit to Tyrell, and then Deckard visits the house of Sebastian where Priss and Roy are hiding out. The final scene is truly engaging and the completion of the film brings many deep thoughts. The music of Vangelis really helps to make this epic story engage with the minds and the hearts of the audience.

023 – Great Moments from Blade Runner & the Film’s Score by Vangelis Part 2 of 3

This is part 2 of our exploration of Blade runner. Blade Runner 1982 is a legendary science fiction classic film based on “Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?” by Phillip K. Dick. As we are Ear Worms, we will be paying special attention to the score of the film composed by Vangelis. We will be talking about the film’s background, great cinematic moments, and great moments from the score and its integration into the film. As we are in the middle of the film, we will be exploring some more of the philosophical epistemological questions that the film poses.

022 – Great Moments from Blade Runner & the Film’s Score by Vangelis Part 1 of 3

Blade Runner 1982 is a legendary science fiction classic film based on “Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?” by Phillip K. Dick. As we are Ear Worms, we will be paying special attention to the score of the film composed by Vangelis. We will be talking about the film’s background, great cinematic moments, and great moments from the score and its integration into the film.

021 – Legend 1985: Slide Discussion & Tangerine Dream Score Excerpts Part 2 of 2

This week we will be doing commentary on the second half of the movie Legend 1985, with a focus on the American theatrical release featuring the musical score by legendary electronic music group, Tangerine Dream. We will focus on the musical career of Johannes Schmoelling as he was not included in part 1 accidentally. We will look at his solo work, work in Tangerine Dream, Loom, and S.A.W. The lineup for Tangerine Dream at the time of making the score was Edgar Froese, Christopher Franke, and Johannes Schmoelling.

020 – Legend 1985: Slide Discussion & Tangerine Dream Score Excerpts Part 1 of 2

One of the greatest cinematic fairy tales ever told is the movie Legend, starring Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, and Tim Curry. It is a tale that epitomizes the struggle between good and bad with stunning, picturesque photography. The film is a tale of two scores, however, in which the original is a standard film score written by Jerry Goldsmith. A second score was used for the theatrical release featuring Tangerine Dream, which was more evocative, colorful, and passionate. We will be looking at slides from the film and featuring some of the audio excerpts including powerful sound design and score by Tangerine Dream featuring Edgar Froese and Christopher Franke.

019 – The Spirit of Robert Moog, Synthesizer, Theremin, and Minimoog

This week, we are covering Robert Moog, the legendary synthesizer and Theremin maker. Moog synthesizers are known for being some of the very best analog synthesizers dating back to the first Moog synthesizer and the Minimoog soon after. Robert Moog was a spiritual man who believed that his synthesizers served as a conduit for musicians to channel the all and bring insights into sound waves. We will take a look at the man and some of his iconic innovations.

018 – Lute vs. Hurdy Gurdy Championship Medieval Music & Monty Python

We are down to our final two instruments in the finals of the Holy Grail of Medieval Musical Instruments. Through voting in the previous three episodes, we are down to the lute and the hurdy gurdy. Which of these Medieval musical isntruments will be the champion? We will also finish our slide through of Monty Python & the Holy Grail along with some AI commentary.

018 – Lute vs. Hurdy Gurdy Championship Medieval Music & Monty Python

We are down to our final two instruments in the finals of the Holy Grail of Medieval Musical Instruments. Through voting in the previous three episodes, we are down to the lute and the hurdy gurdy. Which of these Medieval musical isntruments will be the champion? We will also finish our slide through of Monty Python & the Holy Grail along with some AI commentary.

016 – Monty Python and the Holy Grail of Medieval instruments Part 2 of 3

Our quest for the holy grail of Medieval musical instruments continues as we now are in round 2 of the competition, where the lute, sackbutt, crwth, bagpipes, donbra, zither, hurdy gurdy, and organ will compete until there are only four left. We will look at these instruments, listen to them, and then vote. The tournament will be coupled with some slide commentary and community theater from Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975. A little bit of laughing always helps the learning go down.

015 – Monty Python and the Holy Grail of Medieval instruments Part 1 of 3

The medieval period, also known as the dark ages and the middle ages, is generally looked upon historically as a rather dark and foreboding period. There were some pretty interesting musical innovations, such as the beginning of written music in the Western hemisphere, as well as many beautiful instruments. In this episode, we will be having a jousting tournament between these different instruments in which the chat will be able to vote and choose their favorite instruments. We are in the search of the holy grail of medieval instruments after all. To guide us on our quest, we will also learn from the the great film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Like a beacon of light, it will guide us in our quest.

014 – The Oberheim OB-X, discoDESP OB-XD and Flash Gordon 1980 Part 2 of 2

This episode is part two of a two-part episode on the Oberheim OB-X and the film flash Gordon from 1980. The synthesizer was used by Brian May tin both the making of the soundtrack, but also some elements of the score and sound design from the film. As we have already looked at the synthesizer in the previous episode, we will be focusing on the VST plugin by discoDSP called OB-XD, which models the Overheim OB-X synthesizer. We will look at the second half of our film and do some of our regular exploration of AI art, human intelligence and other such amusements.