Episode 01 – Starting Out in the Game
Wayfarer begins his adventure in the classic game, Rising World. This game is an open sandbox game that really allows one to unleash the imagination. Rising World has building, terraforming, mining, crafting, survival, and all sorts of world exploration and creation. In this episode, Wayfarer shows how one can begin the game in finding an area that is ripe for building and creative development. He shows some of the basic survival skills in the game and even survives a bear attack.
Episode 02 – Making the Basic Tools & Crafting Stations
It’s time to start crafting in Rising World. There are a number of tools and crafting stations that need to be made and there is some order to doing so. In this episode, Wayfarer uses the iron he has found to make some of the basic tools like the pickaxe, the axe, and rake. He also makes some of the beginning crafting stations that are necessary, including the workbench, the primitive furnace, the block bench and the spinning wheel.
Episode 03 – More Crafting Stations, Basic Items, and Tools
Wayfarer has decided to make a mine/hiding hole on the beach in a stone formation that he found. He shows how he tunneled down, put up stone columns and laid down stone steps. With torches on the wall, it works as a serviceable mine. He carved out a room where he is keeping his crafting stations. Here he has his workbench, primitive furnaces, block bench, saw bench, spinning wheel, and tanning rack. He also has made a number of chests to store items. He does a little mining for iron, and then is able to make the anvil, which unlocks the ability to make iron plates and iron rods. These unlock the ability to make the loom and the reflex bow. Wayfarer is now ready to go hunting to gather more necessary materials.
Episode 04 – Hunting, Cooking, and Making Clothes
In this episode, Wayfarer has to make clothes to stay warm. He gets into the clothing making using the spinning wheel, loom, and tanning rack. He goes out on a hunt to get pelts and hides for making leather. He also gets a good supply of food in the process and show how to do some basic cooking. The episode begins with a walk through of the mine and the changes that were made in order to make the mine more realistic looking and ready for future use later in the game. The weather has been cold, and the depths of the mine are cold. The clothing making has become necessary.
Episode 05 – Basic Terraforming
Wayfarer is laying down foundations for building a structure on top of his mine. The mine was dug out of a stone formation on the beach. In order to make things look good, he needs to work the foundation of the building into the stone and then fashion the stone to look good in the sand. He also has grasslands next tot he beach that he plans to build on, so he explores all of these terrains. This episode covers terraforming stone, sand, grass, and dirt. It also shows how to make a man made pond. Wayfarer is working hard on making the land look good as well as his structures.
Episode 06 – Building with Blocks, Beams, Plants, Logs, Windows, and Doors
Wayfarer has decided to build a large workshop on top of his mine. He explores the various building options, including stone blocks, wooden beams, wooden planks, windows, and doors. In this episode he uses wooden beams to create a frame and then tries planks for the walls. He settles on using resized wooden beams for the walls and fits windows in. He also adds the doors. He discusses effective uses of grid mode and also when it is useful to go off the grid and demonstrates various Rising World building techniques. This episode mostly covers the basics.
Episode 07 – Building a Roof
Now that Wayfarer has completed the walls to his workshop, it is time to put the roof on. In this episode, Wayfarer works with wooden beams and wooden logs to make a wooden roof to his workshop. He uses scaffolding to get the beams and logs to fit just right on the grid. Building with the grid in Rising World can be a little challenging, and building off the grid even more so. Wayfarer shares his tips.
Episode 08 – The Hoe, Growing Food, and the Leg Splint
In this episode, we look at growing good, gardening, making the hoe, and then surviving a broken leg experience by making a leg splint. Wayfarer has cleared some land and shows how to make it flat with a rake before using the hoe to make it ready for planting seedlings and seeds. Wayfarer plants carrots, cotton, lettuce, sugar beets, potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes, and watermelon. During some time away, however, he falls into a deep hole and breaks his leg. He is able to work his way out in the middle of the night and make his way back to safety. He makes a leg splint to heal the broken leg.
Episode 09 – Building a House with Logs and Beams
Wayfarer has been using a pretty effective approach to building old world structures in Rising World. Using wooden beams and wooden logs in combination allows one to use the grid while allowing things to look more natural and less blocky. In this episode, Wayfarer builds the first floor of his house, using logs, beams, windows, and stone blocks. He works the logs in around the windows and starts the second floor around a staircase. The house is more of a lodge since it is much bigger than a log cabin.
Episode 10 – ore Building Techniques & Frustrations
Wayfarer has his ups and downs in this episode while trying to build a roof for the second floor of his log home. He utilizes scaffolding in multiple ways to try and get the right angles to position logs. He also demonstrates a number of techniques of placing the wooden beams and wooden logs on the grid effectively. He succeeds in the end with the roof and is considering some other strategies to make the process easier. The frustrations can and must be overcome.
Episode 11 – Building with Scaffolding, Making Plank Stairs, and Wooden Banister
Sometimes building in Rising World can get a little frustrating. Wayfarer got frustrated in the last episode, but took the opportunity to work on his approach a bit more, and can now offer some Rising World building techniques and tips. He starts by explaining the different types of scaffolding, including the ramp, regular scaffolding, and the frame. He then proceeds to work on some stairs using wooden beams and wooden planks. The stone block stairs were proving difficult since blocks do not work well with wooden beams, which were what the second floor was made out of. He then proceeds to the roof and is having a much easier time putting up the logs and beams for the roof. Before ending the episode, he shows how to make banisters and railings out of wood so the you do not need to use iron rods like the banisters in the saw bench crafting station requires.
Episode 12 – Crafting Furniture & Making a Fireplace
Now that the log house has been built, there are many rooms to be filled with furniture. In this episode, Wayfarer begins this task by making a bed, chest, and shelf for each bedroom. He then makes a table and chairs for the dining room. He looks at multiple chair types and table types to select the style that goes best with the place. The furniture types can be made to match between the different options. Toward the end of the episode, he makes a fireplace out of stone for a multi-level fireplace with chimney combination. A fireplace sure warms up the look of the place.